What is Supply Chain Financing?

SCF is a way to optimize working capital and reduce supply chain risk; SCF allows businesses to increase supplier payment terms – while giving suppliers the option to get paid early.

What is Supply Chain Financing?

SCF is a way to optimize working capital and reduce supply chain risk; SCF allows businesses to increase supplier payment terms – while giving suppliers the option to get paid early.

Every Supply Chain Finance Program Consists of
Two Main Components:

Extending Buyer
Payment Terms

Providing Suppliers with
an Early Pay Option

Every Supply Chain Finance Program Consists of
Two Main Components:

Extending Buyer
Payment Terms

Providing Suppliers with
an Early Pay Option

We Support Both
Buyer-Centric and
Supplier-Centric Supply Chain Finance Models

ArtisPay’s Buyer-Centric
Supply Chain Finance Model

ArtisPay’s Supplier-Centric
Supply Chain Finance Model

We Support Both Buyer-Centric and
Supplier-Centric Supply Chain Finance Models

ArtisPay’s Buyer-Centric Supply Chain Finance Model

(pinch image to enlarge model)

ArtisPay’s Supplier-Centric Supply Chain Finance Model

(pinch image to enlarge model)

Supply Chain Finance Unlocks the Cash that’s Hidden Inside Your Supply Chain!


Increasing the time it takes to pay a supplier improves several financial metrics and most importantly, frees up cash that would otherwise be trapped inside the supply chain.


Supply chain finance offers suppliers a way to mitigate the effects of payment term extensions and to accelerate their own cash flow.

Artis Trade Systems

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