Q&A Series Question 4 – What’s the Catch?
What Technologies do you Consider to be some of the Biggest Disruptors of Supply Chain Finance?
I think it depends on how you define “disruption,” and I typically view what has commonly been termed “disruption” as “innovation”. As I have discussed previously (question #2), cloud technologies enhance accessibility and ArtisPay affords middle and small market entities the ability to access, offer, and participate in a Supply Chain Finance program allowing them to tap into a technology and a market that had formerly been out of reach. This is not disruption (though those who like the term may try to apply it here); it is capital and information acceleration.
I frequently get asked, “why doesn’t every company do this?” People think that there is a catch, but there isn’t. SCF has been around for a while. It just wasn’t as accessible before. It’s like asking, “why didn’t we always use Google Maps to help us navigate to an unknown location?” (By the way, that is my single favorite use of technology. I have no sense of direction and would be constantly lost.) But the answer is simple – the technology didn’t exist.
I read that when the internet hit its stride in the 2000s, there was roughly the same amount of economic activity in that one decade (2000-2010) as there had been in the entirety of the previous 100 years (1900-2000). Technology accelerated the flow of information and consequently economic activity, by a factor of 10. With platforms like ArtisPay, Supply Chain Finance will accelerate the flow of trillions of dollars locked in A/R and A/P for small and medium entities and consequently fuel growth in our economy.
A founder of Artis Trade Systems, Jamie Clemons, CPA, started his career working in business risk consulting at Protiviti after attending the University of Arizona on an academic scholarship where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with dual degrees in Finance and Accounting. During his time in consulting, Jamie served clients in various industries including Airline, Banking, Software, Pharmaceutical, and Education among others.