Private Companies’ Focus: Growth and Innovation

by Jul 24, 2019Supply Chain Finance

Recently, we came across an article from TD Bank that summarized a survey which “examined CFOs, treasurers and other financial professionals’ perspectives on the economy, business environment, geopolitical trends and growth plans to better understand challenges and opportunities in the market.” The survey results confirmed what Artis Trade Systems has been championing on the front lines in the small and middle market: Companies are looking for growth and innovation.

The article revealed that “[a]lthough 83 percent of respondents have an overall positive outlook on the future of the economy, more than half (58 percent) are preparing for an economic downturn.” These statistics are about as clear as mud and parallel the general murkiness companies face when attempting to forecast the future. Although companies and their leaders are not clear on what the economy is going to do, they are clear on what they want and what they are going to do to prepare for the unknown. However, they are a little less clear on the how; and this is where Artis Trade Systems can come in.

What They Want

The article explained that [w]hen assessing their business priorities for the next year, finance professionals are focused on growth and innovation. According to the survey, the top two business priorities next year are investment in technology and innovation (45 percent) and expansion into new markets (44 percent). More specifically, finance professionals report their business plans this year include technological upgrades (39 percent), launching new products (39 percent) and leveraging disruptive technology (35 percent).

ArtisPay®, Artis’ Supply Chain Finance (SCF) Software as a Service (SaaS) product, offers finance professionals and businesses exactly what they are looking for:


  • SCF for the small and middle market is brand new and state-of-the-art – historically, technological and cost barriers prohibited the implementation of SCF in small- and medium-sized companies, a strategy that has been employed by the Fortune 500 for three decades.
  • Now, SCF is available and highly accessible to these companies at no cost with ArtisPay.
  • Why do companies want SCF? Because it helps them grow and compete. SCF, as facilitated by ArtisPay, provides companies with more cash on hand, more efficient operations, reduced operating costs and enhanced supplier relationships.

Investment in Technology / Technological Upgrades

  • Artis Trade Systems is a FinTech, and our product is built on the most advanced, cutting-edge technology available. ArtisPay is in a state of continuous improvement; our platform – our nature – is adaptive, by incorporating client feedback, our platform and your experience optimize. ArtisPay provides companies with frontline, innovative and simple-to-use technology to improve their working capital and operations.

 Leveraging Disruptive Technology

  • Banks and lenders hear about SCF at conferences, on newswires, from their competitors’ advertisements and maybe even…our Artis Blog; it’s seemingly everywhere. The reason it’s growing so prolifically is because SCF is changing the ways companies manage their cash, administer their A/P and leverage their financial partners.

What They Are Going To Do

The top actions respondents reported in preparation for a downturn included:



“With headwinds on the horizon in the form of changing tariffs and trade policies and potential inflationary pressures, finance professionals should act now and work with a financial partner to determine viable debt and cash flow plans.”

Notably, to facilitate these plans, companies reported using SCF to increase supplemental funding, “…Supply chain financing (39 percent) … [as one of] the top picks for supplemental funding sources.”


How They Are Going To Do This

Companies are going to look to their bank or lender for solutions. As a bank or lender, you need to offer your clients what they want to help them with what they are going to do. Think about this, “[p]rivate companies are challenged by technology more often than public companies, with 43 percent citing technology challenges pressured finances compared with 28 percent of public companies.” ArtisPay provides the how. By giving your clients ArtisPay, you are giving your clients and prospects exactly what they need: growth, innovation, technology – all at no cost. If you don’t provide it for them, rest assured, someone else will.


Here’s the Real Forecast that Matters:
SCF is the Future.